Lets talk about Anna Grace

Lets talk about Anna Grace, and her YouTube channel ‘Anna Grace My Life With Bipolar Disorder’.

On my quest to learn as much as I can about as many different types of mental health conditions, I have been lead down many interesting paths.  Some have been very clinical, teaching me the medical side of mental health. Some have been more personal, with an individual telling their story.  Anna Grace combines the both with ease, and manages to educate and openly talk about her various conditions in a very natural way.

I have learnt more watching her ‘Lets talk’ series than I have with any medical book, mainly because she makes it so accessible. I will be keeping this post short as her channel can speak for itself, but I would like to draw your attention to 3 of her videos in particular.


Let’s Talk: Bipolar Disorder

Following this link will take you to a video full of information on the types of Bipolar Disorder, the points they have in common and the differences between them.  Anna explains the topic very clearly, and gives personal examples of her relationship with Bipolar throughout.  A good place to start if you want to learn about Bipolar Disorder, or if you are living with it and want to see how somebody else with the condition views it.


Let’s Talk: Dissociation

The video in this link shows what it is like to dissociate, in a very real way.  Dissociation can be linked to a number of conditions, and before learning about this topic I had assumed it was just like daydreaming. Whilst it has similarities there is more to it than I realised.  This video is the most personal of the examples I am highlighting, as part way through the video Anna dissociates for a moment.  Other Vloggers may have chosen to edit this out, Anna kept it in and the result is a very open and honest example of Dissociation.


Lets Talk: Anxiety

In her ‘Lets Talk: Anxiety’ video, Anna states that she has had General Anxiety Disorder for 6 years.  The knowledge on the subject clearly shows, as well as how it links in with other conditions.  That is a point worth noting, some disorders can interweave with each other creating a complex tapestry.  Anna explains these connections clearly and concisely.


At the time of writing, Anna is nominated for 3 Mental Health Blog Awards 2020

  • Micro Influencer of the Year – Sponsored by Mental Movement Magazine
  • Vlogger of the Year – Sponsored by Instant Counselling
  • Social Media Champion of the Year – Sponsored by Vuelio

It is easy to see why! Hopefully I will do another post after this event in July.  Wishing Anna Good Luck!

Thank you, and stay awesome.

oooooo one last thing, follow her on twitter at @annagracemylif1


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